playlists for Mister C

My favorite soul DJ, Mister C, did his last regular show at WFMU over a year ago.  Several years of his monthly show are still available in WFMU’s archives and I’ve been listening to them a lot lately.

Some of my other favorite DJ’s (like Billy Jam & Kevin Nutt) post playlists for their shows.  These make it easy to jump back to a show or song that I’m in the mood for hearing, or look up the current song that I’m listening to. For example:  in the mood for an Arthur Conley song? Google for “arthur conley” and you’ll find 80 archived shows from various DJ’s who happened to play one of his songs during their show!

Mr. C never posted playlists (some WFMU DJ’s do it, others don’t), so a while ago I started casually building up my own.  Here, for the enjoyment of like-minded listeners, are my Mister C’s Soul Spectacular playlists.